1. Instead of working 3 repeats of the cable pattern at the wrist I worked four.
2. After working the EZ "thumb trick," I continued in 4x1 rib until, when tried on, the length of the mitten just covered my little finger. (warning: my little finger is much shorter than my ring finger, you might want to adjust a bit)
3. I decreased the top as follows:
*k1, k2tog, k1, p1, k4, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k1, k2tog, k1, p1.
work one round in pattern as established.
*k3, p1, k1, k2tog, k1, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k3, p1.
work one round in pattern as established
*k1, k2tog, p1, k3, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k1, k2tog, p1.
*k2, p1, k1, k2tog, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k2, p1.
work one round in pattern as established.
*k2tog, p1, k2, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k2tog, p1.
*k1, p1, k2tog, p1, repeat from * 3 times. k1, p1.
work one round in pattern as established.
k2 tog around.
cut yarn, leaving 6 inch tail, using yarn needle, pass through all stitches, fasten off using your preferred method.
4. Thumb: unravel the scrap yarn and pick up seven stitches on the top and bottom of the resultant opening. I also picked up an extra stitch on one side to make 15 sts total, then distributed them on 3 needles and worked to about the end of my thumb. I then decreased by k2tog, k1 around, then one plain round, then k2tog around. fasten off as above.
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