Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Swampfield Cowl: free pattern!

Though my mister is notoriously hard to knit for (he already has a hat, why on earth would he want another?) my Dad is fantastic and loves everything I make for him, even funny looking hats. Since he already has a few of them and a pair of fingerless gloves, I wanted to make something different this year without the stress and time investment of something like a sweater. Nor is he the kind of dude to wear a scarf. Enter the Swampfield Cowl, named after the former name of the town he lives in, and because i like to say "Swampfield." It's very fast, easy, and cheap, requiring just one ball of yarn; all ideal with the holidays coming up. And when you weave the ends in carefully, it will be fully reversible.

Swampfield Cowl
Yarn: 1 ball Cascade 109 Tweed LE
Needles: US 10.5 (6.5 mm) 16 or 20 inch circular needle
Notions: cable needle, stitch marker, yarn needle for weaving ends

Stitch Guide
C8F: Slip next 4 sts onto cable needle and hold in front. Work next 4 sts in k1p1 rib as established, then work 4 sts from cable needle, also in k1p1 rib as established.

CO 80 sts and join in round. For the love of mike make sure not to twist! Place marker to indicate beginning of round.

Rounds 1-4: *k1p1, repeat from * to end
Round 5: *C8F, (making sure to keep all sts in k1p1 rib) work 8 sts in k1p1 rib. Repeat 5 times from * to end of round.
Rounds 6-9: as for rounds 1-4
Round 10: *work 8 sts in k1p1 ribbing, C8F. Repeat 5 times from * to end of round.

Repeat rounds 1-10 once more, then repeat rounds 1-7 once more.

Bind of loosely in pattern, weave in ends, and hey presto!

Pattern and photos © Sara Amoroso, 2008-2009. Permission is given for personal use only. This pattern or items made from it may not be sold.


  1. I love cowls. I didn't used to like them but after I made one for the first time I was hooked. There quick and easy to knit, faster than a scarf and serve the same purpose.

  2. Thank you for giving us this pattern! It was a fun, fast knit, even for a beginner like me, and I love the finished product. I think my husband will love it too!

  3. Thanks so much for this fun pattern. I've posted pictures on my blog, Crafterdays. I want to make another one using a rib bind-off this time.

  4. re: Craft Write,
    that's what i meant by "bind off in pattern" if that was unclear. i hope it wasn't!

  5. Beautiful, absolutely stunning. Hope he loved it. And also: More knitting and crafting patterns should contain the admonishment: Hee hee!

  6. Whoops! That should have read 'the admonishment: 'For the love of Mike'!! (but I had put tags around the text, and it disappeared! Heh.

  7. hi I made the adult owl beanie but feel there is a mistake in the crown decreasing -it should start as K12 K2tog -that gives 8 decreases of the 112 stitches otherwise K11 and K2tog gives the last set an odd number of stitiches thanks

  8. Thank you for this pattern. I love cables. Too make it larger. How many stitches to
    I add for this pattern? Thank you in advance.
